Real Revolutionaries
For 10 years we have cultivated land, facilitated workshops, and created fundamental INstitutional frameworks. Each program is a service for community development and healing. Our cooperative business ventures are to support this revolutionary work through economic empowerment that builds generational wealth and eternal prosperity.
(NOUN) an organized force raised from the ranks of the people to be of support, service and protection.
This is plan is best for healing & supporters.
Kingdom membership status puts you at the door. You get to support the work we do and participate in our exclusive gatherings. Members get access to our Moonly RAport (monthly newsletter) as well as other special perks.
This is plan is best for personal development.
Empire membership status gets you in the room. You get to grow by learning within our commUNIVERSITY. Members get access to all the Kingdom rank benefits as well as our exclusive archives and digital resOURces.
This is plan is best for leaders & entrepreneurs.
Galaxy membership status puts you on the stage. Members get access to the benefits of the other ranks, as well as the ability to contribute to our development and cooperative ventures. Galaxy rank members join our accountability network, and get seasonal care packages shipped to them.
Only approved applicants may qualify for this membership rank.
Our constellation is full of brilliant stars! Tehuti Ma’at Militia members get spiRitual blessings beyond measure. You’re joINing a commUNITY of SpiRitual Warriors who lift you to collective accountabilitY. We provide holistic healing support, and access to sacred ancestral wisdom that will transform yOUR life.